Gear up 2 play offers a variety of ways to get involved so every child can have the opportunity to participate in sports activities!
Financial Donations
Gear up 2 play gives the opportunity to underprivileged children to enjoy the physical and emotional benefits of participation in sports activities without the financial burden.
We can achieve this by giving gently used and excess sporting equipment to community groups, youth leagues, and schools serving low-income communities. Those donations allow programs to reallocate funds to lower registration fees, expand their scholarship offerings enhance their existing athletic program, and/or develop new ones.
$500 One Family Impacted | $1,000 One Team Impacted | $2,500 One League Impacted | $5,000 One School Impacted |
Want to help raise money for our cause?

Supporters of Gear up 2 play can now create their own fundraising page to help ensure every child gets the opportunity to play sports with the right equipment they need.
Whether you have donated equipment, run a collection drive of your own, volunteered in one of our locations, or simply believe that youth sports participation for all is vitally important, this is a great way to support us. To learn more about this opportunity, and to set up your fundraising page
Equiptment Donations
By Donating New and Gently-Used Sports Equipment you can help youth reach a dream. Read below to see where to donate and what items we graciously accept. Don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any questions by contacting us.
What we Accept
We accept almost all equipment /gear associated with the following sports activities: Football (flag/tackle), Soccer, Baseball, volleyball, Softball, Basketball, Hockey, Field Hockey, ice skating, Golf, Tennis, Fitness (benches, weights, etc.), Gymnastics, Boxing, Biking, Wrestling, Lacrosse, and others. If you don’t see your sports activity please reach out to us via email. We also accept PE/Recess items for use by schools and playgrounds. Please click here for a full list of acceptable items.
Equipment Pick-Up:
To schedule a large pickup, please contact us at
Shipping Equipment:
We are happy to accept equipment shipments to our warehouse:
Office address:
50 Linton Place
Staten Island NY, 10308
Note: that we do not cover shipping costs but you can raise money to cover the shipping through fundraising.
We Need Your help! Whether it’s helping us sort out equipment or running a collection drive in your community, Gear up 2 play, relies on volunteers.
Keep in mind you can help us out no matter where you live! We strongly rely on donations as well as our volunteers.
Every day, donations of sporting equipment/gear are dropped off at our locations and sent out to communities in need. In order to sort and organize all of these donations, we rely strongly on volunteers like yourselves.
Volunteers help us set up inventory and sort sports equipment donations from our intake bins. Volunteers also help staff maintain the organization of the warehouse space by sorting through the current inventory and ensuring that all equipment is in good condition for our clients.
A basic understanding of sports equipment is plus but not required. Typical volunteer shifts last two hours. This opportunity is open to individuals and groups. The age minimum to volunteer is 10 years old. All volunteers under the age of 15 must be accompanied by an adult.
Run Your Own Collection Drive
We rely on our community members to help us collect sporting equipment throughout their networks.
Volunteers can organize their own collection drives at their schools, sports leagues, churches, synagogues, neighborhoods etc. LPF will provide donation bins, marketing materials, and hands-on assistance to any interested collector.
Collectors will place donation bins, inventory equipment and hand out tax receipts to donors when requested. If able, volunteers will transport donated equipment from their drive to the LPF warehouse.
Our staff is ready to discuss potential collection drives over the phone: 929-733-2771
For more information on running a collection drive CLICK HERE
To sign up/register to run a collection drive CLICK HERE
Help Us At Our Collection Drives
Gear up 2 play is always looking to network with the community leaders, sporting events, tournaments, and school fairs.
With limited staff, we rely on volunteers to assist us at each collection drive. Volunteers will help us empty cars, hand out tax receipts and inventory donations before placing donations into the Gear up 2 play truck.
Over 90% of the equipment donated to Gear up 2 play comes from individual families, small sports organization and local stores. As a result, it is very crucial that we have the capacity to run as many of these collection drives as possible.
Typical volunteers shifts last two hours but longer shifts are available.
If you are interested in having “Gear up 2 play” run a collection drive at your event, please contact us at
Partner with us
Become a Corporate Partner:
Do you want your brand to be seen throughout the local youth sports community? Gear up 2 play is always looking for corporate sponsors to support our mission and access brand exposure by sponsoring our collection drives, donation bins, distribution events, and our location where we see hundreds of volunteers every year! View our sponsorship packet.
Host a Collection Bin:
Do you want to host a collection bin at your school? Store? Office? Neighborhood? Sports Facility? If you are interested in supporting our mission by collecting gear, please contact us at
Public Speaking:
Gear up 2 play staff is very passionate about volunteerism, the power of youth sports participation, youth philanthropy, and social equity issues in general. If you are interested in having us speak at an event about our mission, we are always eager to do so. To inquire about public speaking opportunities please contact us at
Become a funder:
Gear up 2 play relies almost entirely on donations to continue growing our impact. If you are interested in becoming a funder, please email us at funder@
Run a Fundraiser:
Create a fundraising page on our website.
Become an equipment partner/donor:
Do you have extra gear sitting around? Is your equipment shed/closet full of gear that is just collecting dust? Gear up 2 play is always looking for new sources of equipment and we are able to provide a tax-deductible donation receipt for any unwanted equipment. To coordinate a donation, contact us.
Want to Bring Gear up 2 play to your community?
Gear up 2 play is always looking to expand across the country so that we can ensure that every child has access to the equipment they need. If you are interested in pursuing a local chapter of gear up 2 play please contact us at