Founder/Executive Director, david@gearup2play.com
Favorite Sports Teams: Knicks, Chargers, Dolphins
Favorite Athlete: The Rock
Favorite Activity: Spartan Race, Biking, Working out, Touch/tackle Football, Basketball, Handball, Coaching, and volunteering…
Favorite Activity Genre: Metal, Salsa, Pop

Director of Ops, Natasha@gearup2play.co
Favorite Sports Teams: Giants, Eagles
Favorite Athlete: Jordan, Bruce Lee, Van Dam
Favorite Activity: Running, Basketball, Working out, and volunteering…
Favorite Activity Genre: Hip Hop, pop, dance

Program Director/Youth Counselor, julie@gearup2play.co
Favorite Sports Teams: hmmm, I have to think about that!
Favorite Athlete: Eddie Gerrero
Favorite Activity: Spartan Race, Reading, Biking, Running, Working out, Coaching, and volunteering…
Favorite Activity Genre: Hip Hop, pop, (Eminem)

Intern Program Associate and evaluator, rhea@gearup2play.com
Favorite Sports Teams: NY Giants, HS Wrestling
Favorite Athlete: Goku (if he was real)
Favorite Activity: Running, dancing, Wrestling, watching movies…
Favorite Activity Genre: Disney! Musicals, classics

Jake (JD)
Program Associate and evaluator, jd@gearup2play.com
Favorite Sports Teams: Jets (Yes, I know), Titans, Golden State, LIU, too many to choose from!
Favorite Athlete: Brees, Shak, Kamara, Jordan, Kobe, Hulk Hogan …
Favorite Activity: FOOTBALL, BASKETBALL, Mud Races, and Working out,
Favorite Activity Genre: Hip Hop, Pop, Latin